美國參、眾兩院跨黨派重量級議員近期提出「台灣獎學金法」(Taiwan Fellowship Act)草案,提供美國聯邦官員為期2年的獎學金,學習中文並深入了解台灣與印太區域,增強官員專業並強化美國對印太民主夥伴承諾。蔡英文總統今天(6/30)上午受訪時表示,「歡迎」。
[Video] Taiwan Fellowship Act introduced into U.S. Congress
President Tsai: “It’s very welcome and we look forward to more exchange opportunities.”
A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers recently introduced the “Taiwan Fellowship Act”. The Act would create two-year fellowships for American civil servants to travel to Taiwan, learn Mandarin Chinese, and get deeper knowledge of the Indo-Pacific. The initiative would improve the expertise of American civil servants and enhance the U.S. endorsement of the bond between Indo-Pacific democracies. President Tsai expressed “welcome” this morning (6/30) when being interviewed.