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Taiwan part of US task force’s proposed bill package
October 22, 2020 | Taipei Times
The US House of Representatives’ China Task Force, launched by Republicans earlier this year, yesterday proposed the China task force act, a package of 137 pieces of legislation, seven of which involve Taiwan, in the hope of getting it passed before the 117th US Congress convenes on Jan. 3.
Ministry thanks lawmakers in the US
October 2, 2020 | Taipei Times
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday thanked US lawmakers after a congressional task force published a report suggesting that the US government initiate trade negotiations with Taiwan and pass legislation to boost bilateral relations as soon as possible.” According to the report, “The US Congress should pass the Taiwan Symbols of Sovereignty Act, the Taiwan […]
美國會抗中報告:籲與台洽簽貿協 允代表處以「台灣」命名
October 1, 2020 | 蘋果即時
美國眾議院的共和、民主兩黨議員,周三(30日)相繼發布中國相關的報告。在共和黨方面,由共和黨成立的眾議院「中國工作小組」(China Task Force)就如何對抗中國的惡意行徑發布全面性報告。報告建議美國與台灣展開貿協談判、允許我駐美代表處改以台灣命名,並重申對台安全承諾等。
美國會報告籲與台洽簽貿協 允代表處以台灣命名
September 30, 2020 | 美洲台灣日報
“…此外,報告也建議國會通過包括《台灣保證法案》(Taiwan Assurance Act)、《台灣主權象徵法案》(Taiwan Symbols of Sovereignty Act)及《台灣獎學金法》(Taiwan Fellowship Act)等5部法案,以鬆綁美台目前交往限制,並促使美國聯邦官員學習中文並深入了解台灣。…”
A Plan for Deepening U.S.-Taiwan Ties
August 20, 2020 | AmCham Taipei
Support is building for fellowship program for young and mid-career U.S. officials. “… Congress, working from a plan developed by the Western Pacific Fellowship Project, is considering the creation of a similar program to cultivate in-depth expertise on Taiwan within the U.S. government. With broad bipartisan support, a bill known as the Taiwan Fellowship Act […]
[Video] 美議員提台灣獎學金法蔡英文:歡迎並盼有更多交流機會
June 30, 2020 | TWIMI | 獨立媒體
美國參、眾兩院跨黨派重量級議員近期提出「台灣獎學金法」(Taiwan Fellowship Act)草案,提供美國聯邦官員為期2年的獎學金,學習中文並深入了解台灣與印太區域,增強官員專業並強化美國對印太民主夥伴承諾。蔡英文總統今天(6/30)上午受訪時表示,「歡迎」。 [Video] Taiwan Fellowship Act introduced into U.S. Congress President Tsai: “It’s very welcome and we look forward to more exchange opportunities.” A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers recently introduced the “Taiwan Fellowship Act”. The Act would create two-year fellowships for American civil servants to travel to Taiwan, learn Mandarin Chinese, and get […]
June 28, 2020 | TVBS NEWS
US lawmakers present Taiwan Fellowship Act
June 28, 2020 | Taipei Times
EXCHANGE PROGRAM: A senator said that the US’ partnership with Taiwan continues to grow in areas including trade, human rights and the rule of law
美國會議員提台灣獎學金法 促美官員更了解台灣
June 27, 2020 | 中央通訊社 CNA