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U.S. House passes Taiwan Fellowship Act via NDAA
July 16, 2022 | Taipei Times
ANNUAL DEFENSE ACT: The bill, which still requires approval in the Senate, would require the US president to invite Taiwan to the 2024 Rim of the Pacific exercises
AmCham 2022 Taiwan White Paper highlights value and role of Taiwan Fellowship now before Congress
June 22, 2022 | Taiwan News
The American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (AmCham) at a press conference for the release of its 2022 Taiwan White Paper on Wednesday (June 22), urged Taiwan to assure a stable energy environment, bring in more foreign talent, reopen the border to revive business, and more aggressively pursue trade deals as the nation has been […]
US Senate passes America Competes Act which supports closer US-Taiwan ties
March 29, 2022 | Radio Taiwan International 中央廣播電臺
The US Senate passed the America Competes Act on Monday. The act is aimed at increasing the US’s competitiveness and has many clauses supporting closer ties with Taiwan. The Senate vote was 68 for and 28 against. The act was passed by the house on February 4 with 222 voting for and 210 against.
House passes China competition bill including Taiwan Fellowship Act, backs closer ties with Taiwan
February 5, 2022 | Focus Taiwan
Washington, Feb. 4 (CNA) The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday passed the America COMPETES Act to strengthen U.S. economic competitiveness with China, while demonstrating support for stronger relations with Taiwan.
Vice President Lai meets with Congress members including Taiwan Fellowship Act sponsor Senator Markey
January 27, 2022 | Newswires
Vice President Lai Ching-te and his delegation to attend the inauguration of Honduran President Xiomara Castro stopped over in Los Angeles, arriving on January 25 local time, where the vice president met via videoconference with numerous US political leaders. Following the meeting, Representative to the United States Bi-khim Hsiao (蕭美琴) delivered a briefing on their […]
July 16, 2021 | 中時新聞網
EAGLE Act clears House Foreign Affairs Committee
July 16, 2021 | Taiwan News
The House’s Foreign Affairs Committee voted 26 to 22 in favor of approving a bill proposed by committee Chairman Gregory Meeks (D-NY) called the Ensuring American Global Leadership and Engagement (EAGLE) Act. The 400-page bill is designed to respond to challenges by China in the political, diplomatic, military, and technological realms and incorporates the following […]
Taiwan applauds U.S. Senate’s passage of China competition bill
June 9, 2021 | Focus Taiwan
Taipei, June 9 (CNA) Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Wednesday commended the United States Senate for passing an expansive bill to counter China’s growing economic influence.
June 9, 2021 | 聯合新聞網
美參院通過《美國創新與競爭法案》 外交部感謝納入多項友台案
June 9, 2021 | 蘋果新聞網
美國參議院表決通過一項旨在抗衡中國經濟威脅的重量級工業政策法案,《美國創新與競爭法案》(USICA)建議投資逾1900億美元(約5.25兆元台幣)在技術研發。我外交部今(9日)表示,法案中納入納入《2021年戰略競爭法案》(Strategic Competition Act of 2021)、《台灣學人法案》(Taiwan Fellowship Act)及《台灣主權象徵法案》(Taiwan symbols of sovereignty Act)等多項有關台灣的友台法案,外交部對此表達誠摯歡迎與感謝。